Risk is an unavoidable part of everyday life that may pose a threat to an organization, its people, assets, and the community. Preparation, response, and recovery are essential to success. We offer a coordinated enterprise approach to risk management and insurance that can mitigate loss, improve outcomes, and create value. We help states, governmental agencies, and other organizations plan for the unexpected by partnering to provide comprehensive risk, disaster, continuity of operations, and insurance solutions.
Why is risk management planning critical?
- Protect and save lives
- Minimize or eliminate property loss
- Keep your organization up and running
- Protect assets
- Gain critical response time
- Provide proactive solutions (i.g., an action plan)
To assess risk, we look at what could happen. The “what” can include disasters, threats, and other hazards, such as a pandemic, that may lead to a loss of revenue, difficulty retaining employees, and supply chain impacts. Once we’ve identified the risks specific to your organization, we work closely with you to determine the probability of occurrence.
Insurance plays a key role in recovery—for states, local governments, school districts, utilities, hospitals, and other organizations—after a federally declared disaster. Understanding your organization’s insurance coverage is vital to ensure FEMA policies are followed, including the requirement to “obtain and maintain” insurance from an earlier disaster.
We evaluate past risk events and offer solutions to manage existing ones. Our team will provide a detailed review of your organization’s insurance policy, claims details (i.g., general and property liability, how much has been paid out, what caused losses), and applicable insurance statutes. We explain insurance and risk management in plain terms and answer big questions to assess risk levels:
- What can happen?
- How likely is it to happen?
- What are the consequences if it does happen?
We facilitate readiness exercises with leaders and stakeholders to better understand your organization and operations, identify and examine vulnerabilities, and analyze critical supply chains. We find out where you are and where you want to go.
Benefits: Your organization is well-positioned to recover from a natural disaster and receive maximum federal funding.
We work with your organizational leaders, risk team, and others to identify incentives and make decisions to help protect your assets before a disaster. This could include pre-positioned contracts with vendors to manage immediate disaster-related repairs, such as removal of debris, water, and mud.
Benefits: Insurance savings, faster recovery after a disaster, and access to funding.
We help plan how you’ll get back to business during and after a disaster. An important part of any disaster management plan includes continuity of operations or business continuity planning. Written plans are essential to ensure the continuity of critical operations in the case of emergency situations such as those arising out of the wide range of disaster risks.
Benefits: Critical functions and processes that could be impacted by sudden events are identified to plan for and manage potential disruptions.
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