Economic and workforce development

The influx of funding following a disaster gives communities the chance to recover, rebuild—and redress pre-existing economic inequities.

Natural disasters impact different populations differently—and vulnerable populations pay the steepest price. Inequities that existed before the disaster are further exposed and exacerbated. People lose their jobs, their homes, their possessions—and then need to find a way to get hired in a post-disaster economy that many times demands new skills.

Our services address these challenges head-on. We understand how to use HUD CDBG-DR, EDA, and other federal funding sources to spur local re-investment and economic recovery and build a workforce that meets the needs of a post-disaster job market.

Program development and implementation

Economic Sustainability

Economic development is more than loans and grants. Our team will help you figure out what types of businesses can benefit from each federal investment, which programs can be combined to jumpstart renewal, and how to make sure that federal dollars benefit local firms. For 30+ years, we have focused on creating programs that translate economic outcomes into real and measurable improvements for impacted communities.

Program development and implementation

Workforce development

The recovery process creates new job opportunities for local residents impacted by the disasters. Are you constructing your procurements to emphasize hiring locally? And are you creating pathways for people to learn new skills and support the new economy? We can help you create and implement workforce development programs that give your citizens a fresh start, while fueling the post-disaster economy.

Program development and implementation

CDBG-DR economic revitalization programs

HUD CDBG-DR grantees have options when designing and implementing their economic revitalization and workforce development programs. Provided these programs address the disaster-impacted area’s outstanding recovery needs, there’s significant flexibility. We can help design programs that meet HUD requirements to primarily benefit low- and moderate-income individuals and households through:

  • Individual small business loans
  • Grant programs that retain or create jobs
  • Investments in initiatives with job and/or community-wide benefits
  • Workforce training and development programs
  • Technical assistance to small businesses
  • Assistance to microenterprises
  • Commercial corridor revitalization

Program development and implementation

Economic Development Administration (EDA) disaster recovery funding

EDA-funded projects assist with economic resilience and long-term recovery from natural disasters and economic shocks to ensure that impacted communities are globally competitive. We can help align your project with EDA’s priorities by addressing creation and/or retention of high-quality jobs. EDA funds can assist a variety of disaster recovery activities, including:

  • Economic recovery strategic planning
  • Construction projects and activities, including restoration of damaged infrastructure
  • Capitalizing revolving loan funds
  • Developing business incubator programs that support the creation of new businesses and jobs
  • Projects that implement local and regional economic diversification strategies
  • Enhancing access to, and use of, broadband services to support job growth
  • Resiliency projects that help you anticipate and bounce back from future disasters
  • Facilitating market access for goods and services created in the impacted community/region

Are you looking for social programs solutions?

We help clients build more economically sustainable communities following disasters in two ways:

Finding funding and program opportunities

  • Understand industry best practices
  • Help build private-public partnerships
  • Use and combine EDA, CDBG-DR, and other federal dollars to maximize impact

Investing in communities where we work

  • Commit to local hiring
  • Provide job training resources and capacity building
  • Create and follow robust Section 3 plans to hire low-income residents

Our work

Disaster management services


  • Comprehensive preparedness plans
  • Post-disaster operations
  • Compliant project execution
  • Federal and state funding expertise
  • Tailored funding strategies for our clients
    • Including FHWA, EPA, HHS, and SBA
  • Funding reimbursements
  • Automation
  • Time-to-project formulation
  • Data management systems
  • Mitigation strategies
  • Training and technical assistance

Program design

  • Hazards and risk analysis
  • Economic impact analysis
  • Risk management and insurance
  • Adaptation and resilience solutions
  • Determining the administrative model
  • Building staff capacity
  • Connecting the need with the appropriate solution:
    • Housing
    • Infrastructure resilience
    • Economic revitalization and workforce development

Program management

  • Public services
  • Program management
  • Communications and outreach
  • Environmental reviews and historic preservation
  • Intake and eligibility determination
  • Project formulation
  • Case and grants management
  • Procurement and contract management
  • Strategies for combining federal recovery sources
  • Relocation services
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Compliance and monitoring

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