Federal CIO roundtable: HHS and ATARC leaders share insights on modernization

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By Gerald Caron, Tom Suder, and Tahera Zamanzada

People across the nation are grappling with unprecedented challenges and federal agencies are feeling the impact. As the intensity of these challenges rises, so does the pressure to quickly deliver excellent federal services.

Gerald Caron, HHS OIG CIO and Tom Suder, ATARC CEO discuss how technology can be a critical lever as agencies work to deliver better citizen services—faster.

In this roundtable webinar, they share observations on the rapid evolution of federal modernization, their roles within that transformation, and why many digital modernizations fail—including what works and what doesn’t.

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Meet the authors
  1. Gerald Caron, CIO, AIG/IT, ​Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
  2. Tom Suder, CEO, ​Advanced Technology Academic Research Center (ATARC)
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