The Reg Map: A guide to the U.S. federal informal rulemaking process
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ICF’s Reg Map® provides federal agencies, Congressional committees, law schools, and others in the public and private sector with an overview of how the federal rulemaking process works. Designed to hang on your office wall or door, this complimentary 2’x2’ poster—updated in 2020—contains:
- Practical information on how the U.S. federal informal rulemaking process works and guidance for regulators on required components of procedural tasks and potential challenges along the way;
- Citations to relevant statutes, regulations, and Executive Orders;
- References to authoritative interpretations of important rulemaking concepts; and
- FAQs and a “Frequently Used” terms and abbreviations table that serves as a handy reference for agency program staff, journalists, students, and others interested in understanding the process.
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