Renewable integration: Need for curtailment risk assessment

Renewable integration: Need for curtailment risk assessment

The proportion of renewable capacity in the generation portfolio continues to expand as India adds renewable energy (RE) capacity to meet its 2022 commitment (of 175 GW). As seen in case of Tamil Nadu, rapid expansion of wind capacity led to significant curtailments. With rapid expansion of RE capacity this situation may get worse and spread to other states as well unless steps are taken to control the same.

The stakeholders (planners, developers, investors and lenders) thus need to understand a few key aspects: Is the system ready to absorb all of RE generation (as must run)? What levels of curtailments may be expected if adequate steps are not taken in time? Which states are more vulnerable to curtailment of renewables? Which indicators can developers look at to assess curtailment risk?

Within the whitepaper our experts provide an overview of curtailment risk in Indian power sector and how best to mitigate those risks.


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