It's time for 100% capacity performance: Will PJM prices be higher?

It's time for 100% capacity performance: Will PJM prices be higher?

PJM’s highly anticipated 2020/2021 Base Residual Auction is less than two months away. While the full transition to the Capacity Performance (CP) regime has been a source of much discussion several market parameters and dynamics will influence the auction results.

This ICF report provides an overview of:

  • Changes to the auction parameters
  • Recent market developments
  • A prediction for prices in the 2020/2021 auction
Meet the author
  1. George Katsigiannakis, Vice President, Energy and Power Markets

    George is an expert in U.S. electricity markets with a deep understanding of all factors affecting U.S. wholesale electric markets including market design, environmental regulations, fuel markets, transmission, renewable, energy efficiency, and demand side management. View bio

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