Building electrification: Steps to start now amid an uncertain future

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Fossil fuel combustion attributed to residential and commercial buildings accounts for 15% to 25% of economy-level greenhouse gas emissions—which means that building electrification will play a strong role in creating a clean energy future. But there is no one-size-fits-all way to electrify buildings. Geography, climate, existing building stock, technology innovation, and governmental preferences have created a complex decision matrix for utilities to navigate.

How can you manage the considerable uncertainty about building electrification cost and feasibility? What can you do now to decarbonize through building electrification with such an unsure future?

In this paper, industry experts Val Jensen and Chris Watson walk utility leaders through a series of strategic questions designed to identify smart electrification actions to take now. Topics covered include:

  • Potential pathways to building decarbonization, including takeaways from NYC’s groundbreaking decarbonization study, which ICF supported
  • “No regrets actions” you can take today to set up the best decarbonization outcomes in the future
  • A framework for action—key questions to help you determine when, where, how, and how much building electrification to pursue
  • How to incorporate energy justice considerations into your building electrification strategy
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Meet the author
  1. Chris Watson, Vice President, Beneficial Electrification

    Chris is an expert in the energy, renewables, and energy efficiency sector with over 20 years of experience. View bio