A strategy for balancing the 7 utility boardroom priorities

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Utility C-suites share many of the same top boardroom priorities. From responses to climate change to energy equity and workforce imperatives, utility leaders must assess these priorities, develop a point of view on what each means for their organization, and build a strategy to start evolving for the future.

The seven boardroom priorities most cited by utility leaders are closely interrelated, and they can only be achieved with an integrated strategy orchestrated in carefully planned stages. Too often, however, the strategies for each priority are disjointed and opportunities for synergies go untapped. We offer a framework with key steps utility leaders can take to achieve their top priorities.

Read this paper to learn:

  • The seven boardroom priorities shared by most utility leaders
  • How to overcome silos and develop the right strategic order to achieve all seven priorities
  • How to uncover “no-regrets” first steps on the path to decarbonization, adaptation, and resilience
  • A six-step framework to integrate strategies and optimize outcomes across the priorities
Meet the author
  1. Val Jensen, Senior Fellow, Energy Advisory, Policy, and Program Implementation

    Val is an energy and utilities specialist with more than 40 years of experience tackling the most pressing issues faced by the utility industry. View bio