Decoding the latest single-family housing CDBG-DR requirements

Decoding the latest single-family housing CDBG-DR requirements

After a disaster, local government agencies and non-profit organizations face an incredible challenge when it comes to preserving, protecting, and rehabilitating housing options for the citizens they serve.

Organizations already working with single-family homeowners and renters to tackle issues like foreclosure, unfair evictions, and other challenges must now also follow a stringent, shifting, and complex landscape of Community Development Block Grants – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) and FEMA requirements.

Download this white paper to get:

  • A clear picture of new single-family housing requirements announced by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • How those requirements will impact the ways single-family housing programs need to be orchestrated, communicated, and executed.
  • How local government officials should adapt their program design
Meet the authors
  1. Brandy Bones, Vice President, Community Prosperity, Resilience and Recovery

    Brandy (AICP, PMP) is committed to helping communities prepare for and recover from natural disasters and access federal funding to build resilient, equitable communities. View bio

  2. Steve Higginbotham, Vice President, Disaster Management

    Steve is a disaster management expert with 20 years of experience in the administration of the Department of Housing and Urban Developmentā€™s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. View bio

  3. Sue Southon, Senior Technical Specialist Housing and Community Development, Disaster Management

    Sue is a development professional, trainer, and strategic planner with over 30 years of experience in community, economic development, and affordable housing production. View bio