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Strengthening health outcomes with digital modernization capabilities

Strengthening health outcomes with digital modernization capabilities
Jul 14, 2022

ICF acquires SemanticBits

We are excited to announce our latest step in expanding our capabilities to better help U.S. federal health agencies improve how they manage data, find actionable insights, and advance health outcomes. We've acquired SemanticBits, a premiere partner to U.S. federal health agencies for mission-critical digital modernization solutions.

Founded more than 15 years ago as a life sciences and bioinformatics firm, SemanticBits supported healthcare research organizations and academic medical institutions, like the National Cancer Institute and Duke University. Today SemanticBits designs and develops health IT software and data management solutions for federal health agencies, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

As a leading provider of a full suite of scalable digital modernization services using open-source frameworks, SemanticBits increases our ability to rapidly support federal agencies with larger and more complex data management projects.

What SemanticBits does

Health IT digital services and data analytics

Cloud-native, open-source software solutions

Agile, DevSecOps, and digital modernization

SemanticBits combines agile development capabilities with leading technologies to deliver impactful digital enablement. This fully scales our ability to rapidly support federal agencies with their large and complex data management projects. 

What SemanticBits brings


technologists & federal health practitioners


concurrent scrum teams across 30+ technology platforms

Proven success

with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

“As one of the industry’s leading open-source providers, pairing SemanticBits with our deep federal health expertise enables agencies to rapidly deliver more impactful health outcomes.”

John Wasson headshot
John Wasson
Chair and CEO

"We're excited to join ICF where together we offer an unparalleled portfolio of federal health services that help civilian agencies discover new insights and quickly make critical decisions."

Ram Chilukuri
CEO, SemanticBits

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