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Data spotlight
At the end of March, the majority of states had closed schools and nonessential businesses, and had also restricted public gatherings. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state and local health officials had advised the public to engage in social distancing and other measures to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.
Overwhelmingly, Americans supported many of these measures.
About the survey
The ICF COVID-19 Monitor Survey of U.S. Adults is sponsored by ICF and MFour Mobile Research. The survey was conducted with a Census-balanced, national sample of 1,000 adults (ages 18 and over) drawn from a national non-probability mobile panel. Respondents for the survey were drawn from the MFour mobile panel of approximately two million persons. The overall panel is designed to provide national non-probability samples of adults that are comparable to the geographic and demographic distribution of the U.S. adult population.
The first wave of data collection was conducted between March 28 and April 2, 2020. The second wave of data collection fielded between April 14 and April 22. We plan to release findings from two more waves of data collection May and June 2020.
Download the full reports
Wave 1
MARCH 28-APRIL 2, 2020
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