About ICF

Deborah Siefert

Senior Consultant, Disaster Management
Deb Siefert (J.D., PMP) is an expert in disaster recovery and mitigating future risks with more than 20 years of experience.

Deb is a top senior disaster management consultant with over 20 years of experience managing the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. For the past 15 years, she’s concentrated on CDBG-Disaster Recovery and CDBG-Mitigation programs across the United States. Along with her legal background, Deb is an expert in program design that navigates complex federal requirements to deliver compliant housing, infrastructure, and economic revitalization programs.

"Disaster recovery is a very long process, and our responsibility as experts in this field is to continually hone our knowledge to deliver desperately-needed assistance to communities—as quickly and efficiently as possible, but without exposing the client to audit risks."

Since Hurricane Katrina, Deb has worked with multiple states to design and implement disaster recovery programs funded with CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT grants. She assisted New York City’s Office of Management and Budget with a $4 billion CDBG-DR fund following Hurricane Sandy. She also implemented CDBG-DR recovery for smaller communities such as the City of Minot, North Dakota, and helped design and implement the Boulder County Collaborative in Colorado.

Deb specializes in program start-up. She assists communities from action plan development and program design to administrative and personnel needs. She’s successfully led and managed teams of disaster professionals dealing with rehabilitation and reconstruction, buyout, uniform relocation assistance, and other optional relocation services.

Deb helps communities design and implement major infrastructure plans to withstand future impacts from natural disasters. She worked closely with Housing and Urban Development and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) following Hurricane Sandy to develop a coordinated match approach for FEMA PA and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. She followed the same models of success for the Boulder County Collaborative in Colorado. She continues to create and support major disaster recovery programs across the nation.

  • B.S., Geography and Environmental Planning, Southern Illinois University
  • J.D., Southern Illinois School of Law
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)


7 tips for successful CDBG-DR grant closeout
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What you need to know about recent changes to 2 CFR 200
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Understanding the new Uniform Relocation Act (URA) rule
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Importance of Uniform Relocation Act (URA) compliance when running a buyout program
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Solving the staffing equation for CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT programs
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Guide to HUD compliance during the natural disaster recovery process
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