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About ICF

Sherri Levesque

Project Director, Child Welfare
New Hampshire
Sherri is a child welfare expert with more than 30 years of experience helping federal, state, and local welfare agencies improve outcomes for children and families.

Sherri is a leader in child welfare with over 30 years of experience at all levels of service delivery, program management, and administration. Her first-hand experience includes working as a caseworker, supervisor, trainer, and senior administrator in public child welfare agencies in the areas of investigation, foster care, permanency, adolescent services, and licensing. Building on this foundational experience, Sherri provides and leads training and technical assistance (T/TA) at the national level.

Sherri is a recognized expert in using data for program improvement, implementation, and strategic planning. She has extensive experience improving state- and national-level practices through the federal Child and Family Services Reviews, where she served as a reviewer, state lead, T/TA provider, and federal contractor. She also collaborated with stakeholders at all levels to lead the development and implementation of risk assessment and family engagement models. Sherri has also authored and contributed to numerous publications, tools, trainings, and presentations for child-welfare audiences.

Sherri is a successful systems thinker who builds and leads teams to achieve results and develops learning organizations that execute complex projects with quality and efficiency. Since 2021, she has led a team with the Child Welfare Reviews Project that supports the Children’s Bureau in improving outcomes through the Child and Family Services Reviews. Earlier, Sherri led the Data and Knowledge Management teams at the Capacity Building Center for States, overseeing the development and delivery of subject matter expertise to states and territories to support improved child welfare practices and outcomes.

Sherri’s broad child-welfare background, plus her expertise in training and workforce development, data and research, continuous quality improvement, and policy development, make her a recognized subject matter expert in child welfare practice and systems. Her leadership experience allows her to extend that expertise beyond herself to have a significant impact on improved outcomes for children and families.

Sherri has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Plymouth State University and a master’s of education in counseling from the University of New Hampshire.

