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About ICF

David Jones

Manager, CHP and Distributed Grid Strategy
With over 15 years of experience, David analyzes markets and models the performance of distributed energy resources for government and industry clients.

David analyzes markets and models the technical, economic, and environmental performance of distributed energy resources (DER) for government clients and energy industry stakeholders. With over 15 years of experience, he leads our efforts to evaluate technologies and markets for combined heat and power (CHP), district energy, and microgrids by developing analysis strategies, managing project teams, and communicating findings to clients.

Recent work includes an analysis of resilient power options for critical facilities affected by California wildfires. Focusing on Public Safety Power Shutoff events, David assessed how different resources, including solar photovoltaic systems, energy storage, CHP, and standby generators, help meet resilience goals with favorable economics and emissions profiles.

Once Senior Engineer at Resource Dynamics Corporation, David also led contractor efforts for the Department of Energy to evaluate renewable and alternative fuel options for DERs. He holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Virginia, where he specialized in energy systems.

  • B.M.E., Mechanical Engineering, University of Virginia


The promise of hybrid solar + storage + CHP solutions
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As the grid gets greener, combined heat and power still has a role to play
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The multi-technology future of microgrids
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4 trends driving the future of microgrids
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Supporting grid modernization with flexible CHP systems
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CHP: The hot new trend in utility DG deployment
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Gas-fueled distributed generation and combined heat and power: Driving forces for beneficial market growth
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