Stephen Haas
Stephen has over 30 years of experience in project management, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, program evaluation, applied research and evaluation, and training and technical assistance. He has served as the principal investigator and project director for more than 45 national, state, and local research and evaluation projects. Stephen has extensive experience conducting large-scale research projects involving multiple sites, advanced statistical techniques, and diverse research designs and data-collection methods.
He has published numerous national and state research and evaluation reports, book chapters, briefs, and peer-reviewed journal manuscripts. He writes about performance measurement, crime and victimization surveys, imputation and forecasting methods, analysis of administrative records, and statistical accuracy of crime reports. He also writes about implementation science, risk assessment validation, program quality assurance approaches, best practices in adult and juvenile corrections, and recidivism prediction.
Stephen has also led many training and technical assistance (TTA) projects for multiple levels of government, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit agencies in multiple justice areas and contexts. His TTA work incorporates all aspects of implementation science and other mechanisms to help systems and organizations develop and sustain an infrastructure for long-term success. Stephen routinely consults and provides TTA in core correctional practices, juvenile and adult risk and needs assessment, case planning, motivational interviewing, and cognitive-behavioral interventions with justice-involved populations.
Stephen assists justice, workforce, and public health organizations in building the internal capacity to collect, analyze, and report performance data, perform quality control procedures, provide coaching and feedback, and use performance metrics to inform policy and practice changes. He provides on-site consultation and assistance as well as virtual and blended training to assist client agencies in the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of best practices.
Stephen has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and political science from The Ohio State University and a master’s and a doctorate in criminal justice from the University of Cincinnati.
Ph.D., Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati
M.S., Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati
B.A., Psychology and Political Science, The Ohio State University
"Using Implementation Science as a Framework for Measuring Program Performance: A Case Study,” Research brief to the Justice Research and Statistics Association, 2021.
“Evaluation of the Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Demonstration Project,” Final report to the U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 2019.
“Use of Core Correctional Practice and Inmate Preparedness for Release,” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 2016.
"Predicting Client Success in Day Report Centers: The Importance of Risk and Needs Assessment,” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 2015.
“Assessing the ‘Statistical Accuracy’ of the National Incident‐Based Reporting System Hate Crime Data,” American Behavioral Scientist, 2015.
“Assessing the Risk of Nonsexual and Sexual Victimization Using Incident‐Based Police Reports,” Victims and Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence‐based Research, Policy, and Practice, 2013.